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Plano & Yellow Rose's Little Sisters
We are thrilled to welcome you to our local offer of the Miss America's Little Sister Program!

What you can expect:
- To be treated like royalty
- Learn a fun dance to perform at our Miss Plano & Miss Yellow Rose
Pageant on August 23, 2025 (Pending group size)
- Walk out with a Teen and/or Miss Contestant just like they
do at Miss Texas!
- The program is a one-day event however you are invited to all Miss Plano, Miss Plano's Teen, Miss Yellow Rose, and Miss Yellow Rose's
Appearances and Events!
- You do need to register here
- You will need to have a white dress for the day of the Pageant
(around knee length, nothing long)
- If you decide to become a Texas Lonestar and participate during
the week of Miss Texas, you will still need to register through their
- You may get a local Little Sisters Crown if desired or wear your Miss
Texas Lonestar crown if you already have one. If this is your first
Lonestar Little Sisters event, you will want to get a crown.
- Feel free to email with any questions.

Lone Star Little Sisters at the Miss Texas Pageant, June 2024
Photography Credit: Bludoor Studios.
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